Scattered notes on life. Maintaining the connection with the long views: poetry, history, literature, friendship, love - distant echoes of Principia Ethica. Increasing worries about the way we live now.
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Happy days are here again?
Even two months ago I would not have thought it really crucial which candidate would be elected to be the president of the USA. Two months can be a very long time. I guess it has not been truly realized how tremendous these Wall Street tremors have been. With a less imaginitive and interventionist Federal Reserve we might already been a long way into a global depression. These are very dangerous times, almost comparable to the times of Roosevelt and Churchill - whose election to power was the proof of the vitality and self-confidence of the liberal West. Maybe this decision is a similar sign. So perhaps we would then get the USA back to the serious business of leading the Western alliance - the moment of hyperpowerdom and unilateralist hubris passed quickly but so much damage was made in that short time. Such a disastrous abandonment of wisdom and moderation by the American nationalist right with their aggressive America firstism: no real understanding, no long views. I have now CCR on, the voice of America - such a good feeling to feel the optimism and hope radiating once again from across the Atlantic. One only wonders how long it takes before the freezing cold winds of history will wipe this optimism away. Well, just perhaps not this time.
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Unfortunately, you miss the point of Obama's election. He was not placed in office to produce any good for the average citizen, but to more easily hoodwink the public into believing, for just a little longer, that presidents actually control anything and that this time there is hope. The Federal Reserve did not solve any problems. The Federal Reserve is the problem. If you don't see this, you see nothing. The American economy and society has been purposely destroyed to make way for a North American Union, which will be a further step toward global dictatorship. By next summer, 2009, the American dollar will lose 90% of its value and force a new world order on us. Obama will be the patsy in this latest phase of the Bilderberg plan for a world run by the banking cartels. This will not be a world of equal rights as we enjoy in the Nordic countries. This will be a world of Nazi Germany, and we will all be Jews this time around.
Well, time will certainly tell. It is not very easy to see a logical pattern in the events, certainly not a pattern that would rise from conscious human planning. I think that the Soviet Union was a good example of what happens when we attempt large scale rational control of social change. The far left and far right both are afraid of a "World Government" - the difference I guess mainly rises whether it is seen as being predicted in the Book of Revelation. Anyway, I would think that a World Government might not be such a bad idea at all - given this awful global inequality that exists now. On the other hand I don't really believe that we would be able to establish such a thing or that even an attempt to do so would be advisable.
It was good to face you at 'rebel forum' and to find your fascinating weblog. I am looking forward to follow your writings, also and partly as a person who has spend some time at US and apparently have got little bit similar view to your 'awakened' point of view of social matters.
Very nice to hear! Interesting connections the web makes: it is now 21 years since we briefly met at Pikku-Roba, I dimly seem to remember that you had come from Suomenlinna with a flu. The momentous - and only - conversation consisted of two hellos...
Indeed, I got some enigmatic reminescense of meeting you shortly and flu when you reminded me of it. Our ability to remember by the help of clues is an interesting phenomenon as well as contacts in net.
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