Saturday, December 28, 2024

The long views, the short moments

A particularly lovely evening today in particularly lovely company - we live in dark times, and in all honesty times have always been dark, just that there have been these accidental islands and moments of civilization. So what I now call dark would for most people in most times be ridiculously light. Who knows what will be but the long views will always be there, glimpsed from whatever hell or whichever fleeting resting place there is. But we will always have them and the moments of directly witnessing them, like in the Nordic summer evening, the long shadows impossibly late, the evening light on our faces:

Jag skall minnas den här stunden. Stillheten och skymningen. En skål med smultron, en skål med mjölk. Era ansikten i kvällsljuset. Mikael som ligger och sover, Jof med sitt strängspel. Jag skall försöka komma ihåg vad vi talat om. Och jag skall bära det här minnet mellan mina händer lika försiktigt som vore det en skål breddfylld med nymjölkad mjölk.

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Mark Knopfler playing the guitar

The long views: art, friendship, love, the pursuit of understanding. We will always overstate our ridiculously brief moment in time: our bright individual dawn turning into this gloomy, threatening storm by that particular individual evening. But however it will go, the long views will remain: value is not determined by history but is independent, perpetual, eternal.

Saturday, November 23, 2024

I did not plan for this

It all went horribly wrong before I even had formulated the mere concept of planning, of control - a perfect storm of circumstances and sensibility. But afterwards, setting the goals of loving and being loved, being needed, I did succeed. I became a person: a loving man being loved. So maybe some other paths would have been more glorious, but I somehow really doubt that... This will totally do.

Saturday, November 09, 2024

The example of Keynes

He basically lived in the worst of times, with the worst of contrasts between his youth and his adulthood, leaping not like a swimmer into cleanness but into unspeakable filth and blood and despair. And he kept his faith, kept his energy, kept his optimism, fought with all his manifold weapons for civilization and peace. I am, we are, everyone basically is, much less gifted but that particular state of mind is not exclusive. 

Friday, November 08, 2024

Slouching towards Jerusalem

The corrosive effect of the ever increasingly liberalistic global capitalism is very hard to underestimate in these bleak times. The magical next quarter along with the mad, totally irrational belief in the invisible hand leading towards ever more inevitable environmental catastrophes, leading towards the ever more inevitable collapse. All this is so very logically accompanied with the relentless undermining of the old values, the old commonalities whether humanistic or religious. Only soulless, angry, resentful consumers left. National radicalism is the opium for people.

Wednesday, November 06, 2024

The shining city on a hill spewing sewage

The end of the American Dream - or at least the part of it that fought out of slavery and apartheid and rescued the Western civilization three times during the 20th century. The optimistic and forward looking part. Now transformed by robber capitalism, primitive fundamentalism and racial resentment into inward looking, toxic, raging shell of a once mighty Republic.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

The gradual fading away of Christian-Humanist values

Not the best opium for the people really. In these increasingly cold, increasingly materialistic times the traditional Western values won't do - we have only production value which we prove by consumption, no metaphysical-ethical ding an sich dimly constructed can be meaningful in this freezing, empty atmosphere. Co-incidentally - well, of course not - the West is stumbling, divided internally, full of enraged national radicalism intent of tearing down liberal democratic structures and values. Lost.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

I lived by the river

London calling to far away cities - and even to remote Ostrobothnian villages as I have described here. Me with my lousy shortwave receiving radio back in the 80's in Nurmo. Once I got to Helsinki I bought an actual shortwave radio. The BBC World Service was the gold standard obviously. And in those circumstances, in that media environment it certainly was. But ever increasingly with the years it seems to require more and more effort to explain one's anglophilia. Thqt nation is getting ever more crazy, ever more nasty, ever more ruled by the nauseating, corrupt, semi-fascist Tory media. Where are the English Liberals? The English Progressives? To paraphrase Betjeman. They largely invented liberalism and progressivism - where are they now?

Sunday, August 18, 2024

There's nothing wrong with the look that's on her eyes

Separating sex from love needs experience, and re-uniting them needs maybe even more experience... These matters are so hard and we so often are not an any sort of a match to them. I am glad that at least I have learned my ropes quite a bit better during my more mature age. It took such a long time though. And I am very far from perfect still. Love, desire, intelligence and will. I think none of us can perfectly balance them.

Friday, August 09, 2024

I will not cease from mental fight

A perfect Pietist hymn too, so fitting to my background and heritage. And actually the very same nonconformist heritage as Blake's, just in a later Finnish interpretation. A losing battle surely, one is tempted to say in this slough of despond, but pessimism is certainly as much of a sin as optimism is. One is so much fond of, and more, of liberal Protestantism, but maybe not totally sharing with all that absolute puremindedness. Surely an impossibility in this permanently fallen, corrupt, cruel world.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

I was such an idiot

Being otherwise pretty smart these days, crazily well read and pretty well thought and lived. But I did brutally waste my youth in burning, in torture - a bright flame I said afterwards mostly for self-comfort. My capabilities led me to my weaknesses, and how weak my weaknesses were. To this mature age it's still hard to come to terms with that brutal failure. But by and large, I actually have come to terms, have accepted, have pardoned my then so hopeless, burning self. That's the only way. But weak moments do come, do return, the regrets, the second guesses. That's how one lives, just a very thin sliver of life but very piercing in certain bad moments. Oh well, that's how one lives. And I could live way worse, I well know. From experience.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Kodu kui majakas

My estophilia was consciously awakened by Jaan Kross: Keisri hull in its Finnish translation was such a text, such a call for defiance, for justice. But also the culture of my childhood, the memories of the Awakened (heränneet) of their recent estophile past was surely in the background too. There were books that I had glanced at or even partially read, things that I had heard, felt: Estonia was a place, a certain absence. But Jaan Kross made it concrete, then just bit later on JMKE, Rahvarinne, that exhilating sense of liberation, not only of Estonia, but also of Finland. And other, more personal things followed. Estonia is now both well known and still well loved, warts and all.

Wednesday, May 01, 2024

The centre not holding

All over the West internal strife, atavistic hatreds and prejudices reviving, partying it's like the 1930's back again. The vaccination of the 2nd World War is obviously waning. And like back then, unchecked markets, unchecked and ever short sighted capital are leading us towards blind rage and division, dissolution. The social democratic centre is barely holding any longer, maybe cannot hold. We can't obviously learn from history. 

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Acceptance World

I rarely have conscious reading plans but I think A Dance to the Music of Time is highly due for a re-reading - I have read it in quite a haphazard fashion, out of sequence, intermittently and sometimes impatiently. Powell's certain conservatism (admittedly with quite a small c in the text) has not always appealed. But there is something pleasurable in the prose, in the observations and rhythms. A dance it is. 

Sunday, March 17, 2024

London not calling

Finland in the mid-80's, an insular, wounded country, still appeasing the Soviet Union, the giant neighbour. And a very nerdy boy with a shortwave radio in the deep conservative countryside. The BBC World Service of the time representing the best parts of the departed empire. London calling to far away towns. Obviously with all the failings that all human institutions have. Still such a voice for civilization that seems now to be more and more muted.