Sunday, August 18, 2024

There's nothing wrong with the look that's on her eyes...

Separating sex from love needs experience, and re-uniting them needs maybe even more experience... These matters are so hard and we so often are not an any sort of a match to them. I am glad that at least I have learned my ropes quite a bit better during my more mature age... Though very far from perfect still :)

Friday, August 09, 2024

I will not cease from mental fight

A perfect Pietist hymn too, so fitting to my background and heritage. And actually the very same nonconformist heritage as Blake's, just in a later Finnish interpretation. A losing battle surely, one is tempted to say in this slough of despond, but pessimism is certainly as much of a sin as optimism is... One is so much fond of, and more, of liberal Protestantism, but maybe not totally sharing with all that absolute puremindedness :)